Getting to Know: Ottawa Metalcore act, Of Reverie


In today’s Getting to Know, we meet Ottawa-based metalcore act, Of Reverie. They’re a band that puts fans first and makes a special effort to put forth a postive vibe. If you are in an up and coming band that would like to partake in a Getting to Know feature, contact to receive the questionnaire and instructions. Thanks!

of-reverie-smallBand Name: Of Reverie
Band Members: Michael Labelle (vocals), Tyler Hein (vocals), Scott Norris (guitar), Danny Boisvenu (guitar), Ryan Shields (bass), and Matt Brooke (drums).
Years Active: 2
City of Origin: Ottawa, ON.

Who are you and what do you do?
“We’re Of Reverie, a post-hardcore/metalcore band from the Ottawa, Ontario area. We focus on bringing a new and diverse spin on the metalcore scene. We stand for doing what you love, no matter what the cost. There’s nothing more important than whatever you’re passionate about and we try to convey this message in all of our songs.”

In 100 words or less, tell us how your band has gotten to this point.
“Of Reverie began by releasing our debut EP, The Dreamcatcher in May 2013, which got the band off on the right foot and proved that we were to be taken seriously. Of Reverie have always strived to give the best live performance we can, earning us a spot as one of Canada’s rising metalcore acts.”

What is your latest release and how would you best describe it to someone who hasn’t heard your band?
“Most recently we released, Parallels (digital only), which showed that we are all about growth. After receiving almost 10,000 views in week one alone, with nearly no negative feedback, it shows that we have a loyal fan base who will stand by us through thick and thin.”

When making an album, which aspect of the process do you put the most time into and why?
“When making an album, we put a lot of time into our song writing. We’re always looking for new ways to push ourselves musically, both creatively and technically. We also strongly believe in musical growth. Everything we put out will sound different from the last, because we’re always learning and growing as people and musicians. We also love to incorporate new techniques to our music.”

What is the best part about your band and why?
“We’ve been a band that has always taken pride in our live show. We don’t record anything we can’t pull off on stage with tons of energy. When you come to an Of Reverie show, we’ve done everything we can to make it as authentic as possible, which also means we put countless hours of time into practicing so that we can make this possible.”

What makes your band unique from the rest?
“We believe that having a wide array of influences lets us stand out from the rest. When we write, we also give everyone the ability to shine, rather than focusing on one or two members.”

How does your band survive the challenges of touring/gigging?
“We think the one thing that keeps us going is that we love touring, playing shows, and meeting people above anything else. You can throw the worst at us on the road, but if there’s a great show to play at the end of the day, you can bet that we’ll all be just as stoked! “

Would you rather be critically-acclaimed; rich and famous; or an under-the-radar band with a dedicated fan base?
“We want to be a band that influences people in a positive way, no matter what that may entail. As we said earlier, we take great pride in our live show and we’ll always want to maintain that ideal. Making money as a band is obviously very important because it is a business, but we’ll never let any income or fame that could come out of being a band go to our heads. We’ll always be a band that will come hang out with our fans at shows.”

If you’d have to compare your band to another one out there, living or dead, who would it be and why?
“We try to stand out and be as unique as possible by adding many different aspects of metalcore into our songs. We also try to instil a positive overtone with honest messages in all of our songs. In that sense, you could say that we can be compared to any band that lives up to that ideal.”

Which band/musician would you like to share many drinks with? What would you talk about?
“We love to hang out with all the bands that we tour with! So we could answer just about anyone to this question, and conversations could entail just about anything.”

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