Watch The New Pornographers Video for “Dancehall Domine”


The New Pornographers’ latest album, Brill Bruisers, is a danceable, yet thoughtful affair that feels as shiny and colourful as its cover art displays. The video for the band’s latest single, “Dancehall Domine,” is proof of all that.

Of the video, co-director Scott Cudmore (of Leblanc + Cudmore) states: “Sometimes I like watching the b-roll or behind the scenes or outtakes on DVDs and blu-rays…‘Dancehall Domine’ is meant to feel like a whole bunch of those clips sort of strung together as if they’re taken from some f**ked up Italian or French musical, maybe. Or a bunch of fragments from films like that—thrillers, bad romances, in one case we’re clearly referencing Clouzot’s famous L’enfer tests. We even have the man himself in there!”

In case you missed it, be sure to have a look at our recent interview with The New Pornographers.

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