These Rockers Have Made a Shit Ton of Money this Year



Sure, the music business isn’t financially viable for all musicians, but the ones who made the Forbes top 100 celebrity rich list are certainly not feeling any pain. In all likelihood, if they ever did feel any kind of pain, they sure as hell have enough money to rid themselves of it.

Between June 2015 and June 2016, AC/DC made the most money when it came to rock n’ rollers, pulling in an impressive $67.5 million – that’s good for number 17 on the list. Just behind them were The Rolling Stones in the 18th spot with earnings of $66.5 million.

Other larger-than-life artists like Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney also made this list. The Boss came in 24th with $60.5 million, while Mac finished 25th with $56.5 million dollars lining his trouser pockets.

U2 made the top 100, of course, earning $55 million, while another ambitious touring band, Muse, captured $49 million. Foo Fighters may have toured with a singer whose leg was busted up, but that didn’t stop the band from collecting $48.5 million for their troubles – and coming in at #45 on the list.

In case you were wondering, Taylor Swift was the top earning celebrity. Sigh…