Morrissey Gores a Wounded Mexican Matador


In this edition of ‘Shit Morrissey Says,’ the moody crooner has gone after Mexican matador Karla de los V Festival In Hylands ParkAngeles after a bull gored her in the thigh and rear end.

Morrissey, a stark animal activist, bemoaned the violent tradition of bull fighting in a blog entry upon the True to You website, as well as de los Angeles’ disappointment that she wasn’t able to win the bout and chop off the bull’s ear.

“I felt delight this week to see serial killer Karla de los Angeles justifiably gored in a bullring in Mexico City against her largely defenseless opponent,” wrote Morrissey. “Make no mistake: there is no such thing as bullfighting. For the torment and slaughter of each bull there is an avowed plan and a strict script, so therefore there is no possibility of a contest of any kind. Yet there is the illusion of contest and action even if the order of events is very efficient – so efficient, in fact, that whenever the bull “wins” it is reported that the event has ‘gone wrong’. But why could anything go wrong if a contest is fair? Whenever the matador is suddenly at a disadvantage, other matadors rush to her/his aid, and they stab the bull. However, the bull is not allowed support from other bulls should he find himself similarly in trouble. For this reason, the event is superficial and can only appeal to people who have no intelligence.”

Morrissey went on to explain that many tourist guides consider bullfighting to be a sport, but that it should instead be referred to as “torture,” because “to the intelligent mind, it does not qualify for any other description.”

He added: “The fact that some people will pay money to watch bull torture is immaterial because, after all, pedophilia presumably entertains the pedophile, but no one has yet described pedophilia as a sport. The lack of moral heroism from Karla de los Angeles and her co-killers Hilda Tenorio and Lupita Lopez represents the very worst aspects of Mexican life, and for 2015 I wish all three women the very worst, for the very worst is their rightful due.”

On a lighter note, does anyone else remember the woman who knitted Morrissey dolls?

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