Perfect Pussy Frontwoman Going Solo


Meredith Graves, the beast of a frontwoman for Syracuse noise-punk collective Perfect Pussy, has revealed that her 2015 will perfect-pussy-nxne-MAIN-1include writing a solo album and releasing it upon her own label. Additionally, she will appear on a split 7” with Kevin Devine.

“Each of us went through a motherfucker of a personal loss this year, and we just realized that without discussing it first, we’re both writing songs about our situations,” said Graves in an interview with DIY Mag. “He’s a new friend and I feel like I’ve known him forever.”

Another, yet-to-be-detailed 7” will also emerge through Graves’ unnamed label, but all will be preceded by the spring release of an album by Sacramento outfit, So Stressed.

In early 2014, spoke with Graves ahead of Perfect Pussy’s much-marveled debut full-length, Say Yes to Love. We asked if the band felt as if they’d already exceeded their artistic expectations.

“The best thing about this band is that we don’t waste time thinking about things like artistic expectations,” responded Graves. “At our core, we’re still fundamentally a punk band (or at least, a band comprised of punks), so we go into projects with wildly low expectations. We wrote and recorded the record in about a week, which prevented us from doing anything too stupid or contrived. However, I’m proud of it. It’s not perfect – I wish we’d have had more time to experiment, but I’m notorious for being hypercritical of everything I make, and painfully anxious about reception. By going so far as to make a full-length at all, we’ve already way exceeded our expectations for this band.

“If this all ended tomorrow, I wouldn’t care,” she added later in the conversation. “We’ve been so lucky and it’s so weird to all of us that this is even happening, so I’m sure none of us would be shocked if it all disappeared as fast as it came.”

-Adam Grant
-Photo by: Jessie Sipione

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