Ryan Adams Breaks Rib, Vows to Keep Touring


During a series of Twitter posts last night, Ryan Adams informed fans that he has suffered a ryan-adams-lettermanbroken rib, but intends to keep on touring.

Adams, who played at the Sasquatch! Music Festival on Monday night before the injury was made public, didn’t reveal how the injury occurred. We suspect that it wasn’t a fall from the stage because, as U2 learned a few weeks back, that kind of stuff goes viral real quick.

Adams laments that getting into his bunk on the tour bus is “brutal” and playing the harmonica makes his whole body want to “throw up a fireball of pain.” Yikes.

As for his tour itinerary, Adams is scheduled to perform just about every night from now through to the Governor’s Ball on June 6. Then, he’ll have a few weeks off before shipping over to Europe for a month that’ll include a performance at Glastonbury.

You can read Adams’s Twitter posts below:

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