Ryan Adams Making Comics & Their Soundtracks


Ryan Adams has long been revered for an insane worth ethic that continually results in rapid-fire releases of albums and 7” ryan-adams-lettermansingles, but the alt-country rocker is expanding his creative landscape by working on another passion of his: comic books.

During an appearance this week on Marvel.com’s This Week in Marvel podcast, Adams explained that he uses downtime on the road to sketch comic books. He does all the pencil and ink work, but is on the hunt for someone to colour his pages “like an ’80s comic book where you could tell it was going through a press and you could see the small dots.” If he can’t find someone to do this, he is content with putting out the books in black and white.

When explaining how they’re turning out, Adams not that some are funny, but that others aren’t very good at all.

“I’m gonna get better,” said Adams. “And then I’m gonna get great, and then I’m gonna get amazing. That’s the way it’s gonna go. Because I have all these really great ideas about how I want to do it, and I can break every rule I want.”

Adams also explained that he and his band have been recording original soundtracks for each comic book in a mobile recording studio. He hopes to release the stories and soundtracks together upon completion. (You can view some of his work below.)

As fans already know, Adams has long used comic books as an inspiration for certain songs, as well as album artwork.

A few weeks back, it was revealed that Adams received Grammy nominations for his well-received 2014 Self-Titled album. He expects to lose out to U2.

-Adam Grant


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