Doctor Describes Bono’s Gruesome Injuries


Just days after it was confirmed that U2 frontman, Bono, had injured himself in a bicycling crash in New York ahead of his U2 photographed by John Wrightband’s weeklong residency at The Tonight Show, comes the gruesome details of what injuries he actually sustained.

According to a statement from Dean Lorich, MD, an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon at the New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and Hospital For Special Surgery, Bono was involved in a “high-energy bicycle accident after he attempted to avoid another rider.”

After being rushed to the hospital and undergoing a number of tests, it was determined that Bono had fractured the orbital bone around his left eye; fractured his left shoulder blade in three separate spots; and fractured the left humerus in his upper arm.

That last injury in particular was pretty devastating. Dr. Lorich says that the bone was driven through Bono’s skin and that it “was in six different places.” A five-hour surgery on Sunday evening subsequently occurred, “where the elbow was washed out and debrided, a nerve trapped in the break was moved and the bone was repaired with three metal plates and 18 screws.”

On Monday, Bono underwent a separate surgery to repair a fracture of his left pinky finger.

Dr. Lorich concluded: “He will require intensive and progressive therapy, however a full recovery is expected.”

U2 has yet to revealing any touring plans, but it’s to be expected that Bono’s injuries may force the band to wait even longer before they get back on stage.

Lastly, whatever happened to doctor, patient, confidentiality?

-Adam Grant

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